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The Best of LifeLine Productions!

Here is a collection of the Top Rated LifeLine Production Spots. You can download the MP3s individually or the complete set and/or all the transcripts.


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52 of the Best of LifeLine Productions



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1000 Points It takes 1000 points to get into Heaven. This guy has 7, but others are getting in. They've asked Jesus to take the test for them. They get in on His score, not theirs.
A Seat with Satan At Judgement, a man is assigned the same waiting group as Satan and complains, "But, I believed in God!" So did Satan, Mr. Johnson. He didn't put his faith in God either.
According to God's Standards Frank thinks he's good enough to get into Heaven. Bob quizzes him using the Ten Commandments. "Frank, compared to most people you are a wonderful person, but the standard is not 'other people', it's God."
Albino Mamba Snake Husband has 15 minutes to live. Doctor says there is only one cure. Wife thinks doctor is narrow-minded. If something is true and will save your life, then it is the most compassionate thing someone can tell you.
Amazing Alan - Bomb Scene Amazing Alan attempts to disarm a bomb without the manual.
The Bible is our owner's manual. It gives us practical instruction on how to live life.



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Amazing Alan - Snake Pit To illustrate the effectiveness of good works, Alan is thrown into a snake pit. Some people believe that if they do things that make them feel good about themselves, they can get into Heaven, but they still need the sacrifice Jesus made to remove their sin.
Backgammon Two guys play Backgammon but make up their own rules. As we walk away from God's standards and create our own rules, we create confusion.

Background Music The background music reveals what will happen next in a series of situations. We don't know what will happen to us next, but Jesus does, and He wants us to trust Him with our future.
Brakes Bob refuses to believe there's a God unless it is proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he exists. Frank applies the same logic to using his brakes.
The evidence that there is a God is as conclusive as the evidence that these brakes will work.
The Broken Door People are asked if they have sinned and drop through a trapdoor. "Mister your penalty's already been paid. You're in the wrong line."



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'Cause I'm a Real Nice Guy Because Bob thinks he is a real nice guy, he wants to live in your house. Do you expect to get into Heaven if you've never met its owner? Join God's family, get to know Jesus and be welcomed home.
Change Course A captain insists that the other ship change course to avoid collision, only to find out the other "ship" is a lighthouse. When we are told to change course, we have a choice to make: do we change, or continue on the same path? When it comes to Jesus, what choice will you make?
Crossword A man knows all the answers to a crossword puzzle, but not to life's questions. Maybe the answers you've heard time and time again, are the answers you need to use.
Did You Hear About Bob? We are more interested in hearing something bad about people than we are about hearing something good. "I'm egotistical and I want to hear bad things about other people to make me feel better about myself."
Dr. Shami - Stealing Dr. Shami professes morality is relative, that there are no absolutes, until HIS car is stolen. "So, there are no rights and wrongs, unless you're the one wronged?"



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Doctor Shami - Woodbonkers Dr. Shami teaches that it doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you are sincere in your belief, until a member of the Religious Woodbonkers wants hit him with a two by four. If there are physical laws to obey, then there must be spiritual laws to obey.
Express Judgement At Judgement, a man is unable to pick a date in which he did not sin and asks to be given a break. You were given a break. Jesus died to pay the penalty of your sins for you.
"For Heaven's Sake" Game Show Frank and Satan compete on a game show. "Well Frank, so far, there's been no difference between your answers and Satan's."
Get In The Lifeboat Trying to convince passengers to get in a lifeboat without informing them the ship is sinking. The Bible talks about Hell as a very real place.  People need to know about Jesus, are you telling them?
Give It All A man asks God what He wants. God wants it all. Take these possessions and handle them properly and treat this family with care, remember, they belong to Me.



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god in the Mirror A shopper seeks to find the perfect religion.    I'd feel comfortable worshipping this god.
God's Will A man promised to help serve food and is looking for a sign to see if God wouldn't mind him going to the big game instead. Often our struggle with God's will is not so much in knowing what He wants us to do, but in being willing to do it.
Great, Great, Great Grandfather A Father gives advice to his workaholic son by recalling his great, great, great grandfather's life.
Son, only the things we do for God are important.
Hello, This is Heaven Man calls Heaven to find out how to get in. First step is to admit that you're a sinner.
House on Fire A man is more concerned with lunch than saving people in a burning building. People around us need Jesus. Do you care?



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How'd You Get to Heaven? People are bragging about how they got in to Heaven, only to find out they are not in Heaven. The Bible makes it clear that Heaven is a gift from God to those who trust Him, it's not something we earn or deserve.
Kids Today Harold complains about the things kids do while doing them himself. When we focus on the sins of others, we often lose sight of our own need for God's forgiveness.
My Dad Did That? We find out that the son of a famous figure has no idea who his dad really is. God is present and active in your life. Are you taking the time to really know Him?
On Hold A man, who needs a miracle real quick, calls Heaven and gets the answering service. A prayer can be as short as, "Lord, help me." Isn't it nice to know that God doesn't have an answering service, and that He is always there?
Pardoned Prisoners Through the grace of the President, these prisoners can leave any time.  But, because of their own reasons, they insist on staying. Has unbelief, belief in the wrong thing, or believing you can earn it prevented you from accepting God's gift?



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Pastor's Visit A pastor is coming to visit so a husband trying to hide things he thinks might be offensive (magazines, alcohol, kids, etc.). If you feel the need to clean up your act around a righteous PERSON, think what it will be like to stand before a righteous GOD.
Playing in the Street A mother thinks it is judgmental to tell her child to stop playing in the street. Sometimes, the most loving action is to show someone that what they are doing is wrong.
Prayer Bob prays for opportunities to serve God but constantly gets interrupted with opportunities to serve God. Prayer: it's more than just talking to God.
Priorities A man buys every electronic gadget available, but can't afford to send his son to a Christian school.
Priorities... where are yours?
Professor Pettibone - Servanthood Professor Pettibone boastfully attempts to illustrate being a servant to George, who is the perfect servant. The servant's heart is humble. Jesus told us "whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."



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Rewind Those Words An illustration of how life would be if we could take back all the words we wish we should not have said. How are your words affecting those around you?
Salvation by Electroshock Therapy The S-BEST 2000 keeps Fred from breaking the Ten Commandments. Fred, you are only changing your actions. In order to get to Heaven your heart has to be pure.
Scoop Walker - Prayer and the Bible Scoop grills Andy as to why he stands out as a Christian. It's prayer and the Bible!
Shopping List God calls on the phone and Larry tells Him all his needs but never finds out why God called. Jesus told us to bring our needs and concerns to him. But he also taught us to pray: "Father, THY will be done."
The Speeding Ticket Speeding driver expects officer to give him a warning like he did last month. God expects us to live holy lives. His grace IS amazing. Don't take it for granted. Show your gratitude with obedience.



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Stolen Car A woman who's testimony on the road doesn't match the testimony of her bumper stickers gets pulled over for car theft. Do people see Jesus in you?
The Appointment Because Frank never has time, Bob makes an appointment for him to talk with God. Frank says he doesn't need an appointment to talk to God, he can talk to God any time. But Frank, you never do.
The Bomb A live time bomb needs to be disarmed immediately, but the bomb specialist suddenly is less concerned when he discovers its clock has no display. Many people have this same attitude towards their own death. We don't know when we will die. Do you know where you will spend eternity?
The Erasable Bible A Bible completely printed with the same graphite used in number two pencils. Now you can easily remove that objectionable material.
Are you listening to all of God's Word?
The Hole Two guys are trapped in a hole. One guy wants to use his instructional books to build an elevator, the other wants to use the rope that's been lowered. God doesn't want you separated from Him. That's why He's reaching out to you; have you taken His hand?



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Pre-Death Checklist The Angel 'Floyd' has come to fill out his pre-death checklist.  No man knows his time. If you were to die today, would you be ready to meet God?
The Psychiatrist A man is paranoid he will someday face Judgement because of his actions. There is a standard we know we are supposed to live by, and none of us are living up to it. But that's why God offers to forgive us.
The Video Store A man rents a video he knows he shouldn't and bumps into his Pastor while paying for it. Who are you when no one is watching?
This Train is Not Going to Paris A passenger believes a Chicago bound train is going to Paris.  Despite the objections of the conductor, the passengers don't know where the train is going. Some say there are many ways to heaven, but Jesus said He's the only way. He left no middle ground.  Do you believe Him, or reject Him?
Where the Universe Came From A five-year old is working on her homework: Where the universe came from.  Her dad tries to help her using worldly views of creation.  She shows how they cannot be true. Well, the only logical option left is that God created it.



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Why Don't You Help Me!? Teenager tells dad to leave him alone and complains when dad won't pay for things. Can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand that He leave us alone?
You're Using MY Toothbrush? A wife uses her husbands toothbrush to clean the bathroom. You are owned by God, set apart for His exclusive use. Are you?

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