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The Erasable Bible, Volume 3

This is a list of the contents of Volume 3.


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Key Line


Amazing Alan - Whistle Scene Alan finds himself with a mouth full of crackers trying to stop a Bull by whistling.
Don't be too late in telling your friends about Jesus.
Great, Great, Great Grandfather A Father gives advice to his workaholic son by recalling his great, great, great grandfather's life.
Son, only the things we do for God are important.
Heirlooms Grandpa hands down precious heirlooms to an ungrateful grandson.
What have you done with God's gift?
Investing for the Long Term A banker asks a client what he has invested for the "long term." You'll be around for a long time after your death. Now is the time to plan ahead.
A Piece of Cake Elwood ate a piece of the boss' cake and thinks it's okay because everyone else did too.
If it means going against the crowd, will you do the right thing?



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"So You Want to Go to Heaven" Game Show A imitation of the game show "So You Want to be a Millionaire." I'm sorry but the answer was "D--put your faith and trust in Jesus."
Amazing Alan - Supermarket Alan cuts in front of a long line of waiting customers to illustrate that people have a basic understanding of what is right and wrong.
And since there is a basic moral law, there must be a moral Lawgiver.
Don't Avoid God Frank lies to Carol on the phone, avoids his boss because he's pretending to be sick, and does not want to read about Jesus because it's a waste of time.
If we continue to avoid God in this world, we will spend eternity in the next world without Him.
Cleaning Up Mr. Smith wants to get in shape before having major heart surgery. Are you trying to be good when you need to turn to Jesus?
Our Children Are Watching Kids watch their parents copy CD's, lie about age at the movies, and watch inappropriate programs.
What kind of character are your children learning from you?



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Pastor's Visit A pastor is coming to visit so a husband trying to hide things he thinks might be offensive (magazines, alcohol, kids, etc.). If you feel the need to clean up your act around a righteous PERSON, think what it will be like to stand before a righteous GOD.
Talk to the Boss Two employees waste company time on video games and soap operas. Only one of them goes to the boss to confess.
Have you gone to God about your wrongs?
Amazing Alan - Tug o' War Alan holds on to a rope tied to a 747 jet. We lose when we don't let go of our desire for revenge.
Bad Meatloaf Grandpa serves month-old meatloaf to the kids and says to just cover it with ketchup. No amount of good works can cover up even one of our sins.
Brakes Bob refuses to believe there's a God unless it is proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he exists. Frank applies the same logic to using his brakes.
The evidence that there is a God is as conclusive as the evidence that these brakes will work.



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Christmas All Year Long The boss is acting unusually nice during Christmas time. Christmas: the time of year when we act the way we should the rest of the year.
The Birthday Party


It was a great birthday party but they never invited the birthday boy. Keep Christ in Christmas this year. Make sure you remember Him in your celebrations.
The Christmas Spirit Psychologist prescribes all the frills of Christmas to his patient. The true Christmas spirit is not something you catch; it's the result of having a relationship with the person that Christmas is about.
Amazing Alan - Roller Coaster Scene


Alan rides a roller coaster without a seatbelt. When we know God, we can have peace through all of life's twists and turns.
The Airport Pilot wants to land on the golf course or freeway and thinks the tower is narrow minded for saying the only safe place to land his 747 is the airport.
There is only one name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.



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Culinary Resuscitation A man claims to be a doctor after taking a CPR class. Who are you following? And have they risen from the dead?
"For Heaven's Sake" Game Show Frank and Satan compete on a game show. Well Frank, so far, there's been no difference between your answers and Satan's.
Religions-R-Us: Many Roads Dr. Shami's new book "Many Roads, One Destination" says all religions are the same. Jesus said, "I am the door. Whoever enters through me will be saved." Other religions might tell you to love others, but that won't get you through the door.
Why Don't You Help Me!?


Teenager tells dad to leave him alone and complains when dad won't pay for things. Can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand that He leave us alone?
The Broken Door People are asked if they have sinned and drop through a trapdoor. Mister your penalty's already been paid. You're in the wrong line.



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But They Look Really Comfortable


Fireman does not want to warn people they are in danger. If you're not telling others about this Good News, what excuses are you using?
Conversations in Heaven (1) Bob talks to a martyr about how he was 'persecuted' at work for being a Christian. How much has your faith cost you lately?
The Erasable Bible A Bible completely printed with the same graphite used in number two pencils. Now you can easily remove that objectionable material.
Are you listening to all of God's Word?
According to God's Standards Frank thinks he's good enough to get into Heaven. Bob quizzes him using the Ten Commandments. Frank, compared to most people you are a wonderful person, but the standard is not 'other people', it's God.
The "I'm Not Responsible" Form Frank has a form saying you won't hold him responsible for anything he's done wrong. When you wrong others, you wrong God by breaking His law. In order to be right with God, and be allowed into Heaven, you need His forgiveness.



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Announcement to Shepherds Angels prepare to announce the birth of Christ to unsuspecting shepherds. If Christ came back tonight, would you be ready?
Ants in the Driveway Boy decides to dress up as an ant to tell the ant in the driveway to move before dad comes home and drives over them. Jesus became a baby and grew up and told us that he loves us, and that we need Him.
Christmas Cow A cow complains about the kid lying in her manger. You think people are going to base their whole calendar system on this baby's birth right here in our stable tonight?
Working with Earl After 34 years working in the mailroom, Earl hasn't learned anything. Is your walk with God closer today than it was last year?
The Speeding Ticket Speeding driver expects officer to give him a warning like he did last month. God expects us to live holy lives. His grace IS amazing. Don't take it for granted. Show your gratitude with obedience.



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The Faithful Witness A witness is hesitant to describe an accident because he does not know all the facts. If people ask, say what you know. That's all that is required of a good witness.
Albino Mamba Snake Husband has 15 minutes to live. Doctor says there is only one cure. Wife thinks doctor is narrow-minded. If something is true and will save your life, then it is the most compassionate thing someone can tell you.
Amazing Alan - Bowling Ball Alan attempts to use a bowling ball he believes is magical to walk on air. It doesn't matter what I believe if what I believe is not true!!!
Amazing Alan - Gasoline Alan attempts to put out a fire with a can of gasoline. When we answer an angry person harshly, it's like pouring gasoline on a fire.
Boss Trying to Call Employee with urgent deadline ignores the bosses repeated calls. Putting Him first will put the rest of your day in perspective.



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Old Friend A man recalls an old friend he never sees anymore. Relationships that don't grow closer through the years tend to vanish with the years. Is your relationship with God growing?
The Perfect Church A man wants to go to a church where there are no hypocrites. There are no churches without sinners because we are all sinners in need of God's help and each other's encouragement.
Amazing Alan - Revenge Alan gets to direct and wants the director to jump in a rubber raft, in the middle of a shark-infested pool of boiling acid.
When we seek revenge, ultimately we hurt ourselves.
Donut Diet Man does not follow doctor's diet by eating donuts and complains about gaining weight. If you truly want to grow in Christ, be obedient to God in all areas of your life.
Driving Lessons


Father is calm while teaching son to drive, his prayers reveal otherwise.
Have you prayed lately?



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Lunch with Ex-Girlfriend Husband has lunch every Friday with ex-girlfriend and does not understand why wife objects. If you love God, do you show it in all areas of your life, or are you holding back something you call your own?
Moving Day


Friend asks for a great deal of help to move but is not grateful. God has given us so much. Are you grateful for this? Does your life show it?
I Don't Want to Go to the Doctor Son does not understand Father's medical explanation of why he must go to the doctor. In your time of trouble, do you trust God?
Grandma Wilson's Toilet Stu-Bob unclogged a toilet but wants to do something big for God. You do a lot for the Lord. They may not be big, but they're just as important.
Stu-Bob's Big Statue Stu-Bob wants to build a statue of Jesus, but is not willing to talk to his neighbor about God.
You wanna do anything you can but talk to your neighbor.



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Operation for Sparky A dog needs an expensive operation his owner cannot afford. The value of a life can be measured by what we are willing to sacrifice for it. God sacrificed His son to save us from our sins. That makes your life valuable. Do you know this loving God?
Stage for God A man builds a stage for God so He will appear and prove He exists. So, you expect God to do a little song and dance for you?

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